holy shit. gmail is nice but I didn't know it's that high in demand.
In these random impression, and with no desire to be other than random, I indifferently narrate my factless autobiography, my lifeless history. These are my Confessions, and if in them I say nothing, it's because I have nothing to say. -Fernando Pessoa
Ok, I totally have this song stuck in my head and I have no idea how it goes. I just have an idea of this song on repeat.
1. Kick hack
Ok, I heard of this awhile ago and it sparked my vain curiosity. What people were doing was opening their music program, putting it on random and writing down the first 10 songs played. Obviously a ploy to get other people to think they were cool. So I did it. And here's what mine were:
Desperation is so unappealing. But I'm going to play up the pain as the cause...
I think hack should be a sponsored sport. I'm not exactly sure how it would work yet, but cheerleading is a sport so I'm sure something could be figured out.
test. test. this is a test...test? what's the point of writing something more than once to see if it worked? I mean honestly, you just have to write "lkdsjfodirj" or something cause who's going to see it anyway? By the time you've got it working, you can go back and delete your little test.