Monday, February 21, 2005

at least we took notes

so the rooommate and i got a little bored this weekend. we were going to do something highly educational and learn something new. instead we watched porn.

did you know?

"coochie" and "pussy" are technical terms

"wowie" is an acceptable word when having an orgasm (but only if you're nina hartley)

to be "majestic" all you need is a round bed, a red sheet and some plants spread around the room

Thursday, February 17, 2005

class is boring

killer: 8th grade. i'm back in 8th grade.

jammin: so did you hear what study hall i am in?

killer: maybe we could hold hands at recess

jammin: or even hug by your locker

killer: oh risky! but as long as i won't be tardy...

jammin: so are your rents gone for the weekend

killer: yeah, maybe we can sip drinks from the liquor cabinet and kiss with our tongues

jammin: dave told me to give you a note, but the teacher caught us passing it so we had to read it in front of the class. it said hi.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

i may not be the most decisive

but even i know when to say fuck it, pick one and live with it.

Monday, February 14, 2005

at the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet

roses are red,
aliens are cool,
but ya better watch out,
they're everywhere fool.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

the similarities are striking

we have the same first name
we have the same middle name
we both have a former best friend who have same name
our former best friends with the same name both have a child who also have the same name

kind of odd

Monday, February 07, 2005


it's amazing how i start thinking about quitting, and then it's every where and i've failed before i even started.

Saturday, February 05, 2005


so these girls were wearing skirts right? and they decided they would walk over a drunken man on the floor, looking up...

great idea