Wednesday, May 31, 2006

porn and pots

have you ever read penthouse letters? well, go for it if you're a guy, but if you're a lady... it's not so hot. i mean you can only use the phrase "pussy juice" so many times before it loses all meaning. but if you're cooking dinner while kp sits on a lawn chair in the dining room and reads the stories out loud after you've both altered your reality... that's actually pretty fun.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

yes, yes i did

i wasn't going to tell anyone this (except elmo) but the other day, i was sitting at home so bored (come on, alias? some 90210 rip-off), i gave up and watched a movie about cattle showing. there are people who dedicate their lives to making cows look good and parading them around a barn. now i think most animal shows are pretty lame, but cattle? A COW? apparently.

in another display of shame-worthy boredom, i looked up the lyrics to afternoon delight and wrote them in the song's entirety to ben in text messages.

thank you.