as the kids say "i'm down with that"
thanks to free time and this site, i have a new favorite word to use at work while making fun of tourists:
prostitot n 1. an under aged girl who acts and/or dresses like a prostitute.
In these random impression, and with no desire to be other than random, I indifferently narrate my factless autobiography, my lifeless history. These are my Confessions, and if in them I say nothing, it's because I have nothing to say. -Fernando Pessoa
thanks to free time and this site, i have a new favorite word to use at work while making fun of tourists:
the other night, jammin and i were sitting in his jeep talking when these three really loud girls about 17 come walking rather quickly to their car park right next to us.
last night, i made it to third base. and then i had to wait. that sucks, to get all worked up, ready to go and then have to just chill out for awhile before you can score. but jammin saved the night and made sure i got to home base just fine.
elmo: oh! did you hear the guy who did the voice of tony the tiger died?
the other night i had a dream i was on a blind date. and the guy i was meeting ended up being a flamingo. being the snob i am, i was not interested. but being the kind hearted person i am, i let him buy me a drink anyway.
so i was in starbucks this morning selling my soul, and picked up jagged little pill the acoustic version. it's kind of surreal. these songs with a non-screaming alanis?
jp: so, they found jackson not guilty
so i got bored and created a playlist called 'story' based on titles only -
so for christmas, my dad knew what i was getting him. he picked it out and said 'buy this for me for christmas'. not a lot of surprise involved.
"and they had note pads over the pay phones. i mean, that just blew my mind. it was the coolest rest stop ever."